8 Steps to Beautify Your Heart, Mind, and Soul To Be Happier

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Life is not always pretty, and to keep our minds in good condition, sometimes it is necessary to do some maintenance. Recently I was thinking about what qualities I want to have and seek in others.

Thus, this article was born from the thoughts of how to beautify my mind. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, however sometimes, life makes a mess. So it is important to clean the messes up; sometimes after yourself, sometimes after others.

I went searching for what others had written, I found this article: Traits of a beautiful mind, by JC Wandemberg Ph.D., he has a mind, and the ability to reason, however the article’s focus is on low level subjects. Really his article would be the foundation of this article.

My goal is to provide something a bit more high level, an overview of some of the subjects that matter to me. Really having a beautiful mind is about how you adapt, and grow. There is a lot more than that to it, what you put into your mind matters, and having a beautiful mind is about cleaning up the mess after yourself and others.

There are some subjects that put beauty back into life, some of them are not only necessary, but essential.


Music is an important part of life. Really the music one has in their life, makes all the difference in the world. You need music that makes you feel something, that makes you believe, and brings hope.

Music adds to the beauty of life. It can bring a lot of enjoyment to living, and makes life more interesting. Having a good selection of music matters, and being able to pick what you want to listen to, when you want it, is important.


Having art in your life is important. There are many branches of art that you can experience, and sometimes you have to create your own. Being creative is a sign of intelligence. Both having art in your life, and creating your own art matters a lot.

Art gives you perspective, and new ideas. It helps to show something someone else believes is beautiful. And really having a beautiful mind is about seeing the beauty in life.


Having some philosophy in your life matters. It helps set standards, and a base for your future self. It can give you a foundation that makes life worth living. When you live by a philosophy that makes your life better, then you have something solid to exist upon.


When you have a selection to pick from, and have content that makes your life feel hopeful, and gives you peace of mind, there is nothing like that. Really reading books is a window into the experience of others, both what they find beautiful and what they find to be a problem in life. Reading books opens your mind to new ways of thinking, and shows you a path of thinking that will add enjoyment to your life.


The theater is a place where magic happens, regardless of if you like watching the TV, or actually going to see a live performance, these experiences make life better, as they give you something that will open your eyes to life.

There is a feeling about seeing a live performance that makes you feel something, and the good ones always give you something to think about.


Without love, life isn’t worth much. Having some love in your life is going to make a huge difference in your life. Today, all too often people say they love someone, even when they don’t actually feel anything. That is a problem. To really feel love, that makes you have a positive emotion from the experience matters an awful lot.

Having some real, true love will make your life worthy of living. When you feel loved, and can show love to others, this is simply not replaceable. There is nothing like that. It will improve your life, make life worth living, and add enjoyment to your life.


Being kind, even when others don’t know how to be such; this is really important. They say, you reap what you sow. My belief is that is true, thus; if you are kind, you will receive kindness in return. Being kind is a wise choice, because you will see the benefits from doing such in the ways others treat you.

Don’t fail to be kind to others, and yourself. This will add to the beauty of your life, make your life better, and make others lives more beautiful. This is a win/win situation. Don’t neglect being kind to others. You will thank yourself for doing such.


Having patience in times that are tough, it will make your life better, because not everything happens right away. You have to be patient, with yourself, and others. Having the right frame of mind to be patient matters, because when you have patience, you can find the ability to get into the zone, and have those magic moments. If you are not patient, then it robs you of your happiness, and the moments you could be enjoying life.


What you put into your mind matters, sometimes you have to take the trash out, and always plant gardens in your heart, mind, and soul. It is easier to plant gardens and take the weeds out, then to allow your life to decay into wretchedness. Maintain your beautiful mind, and reap the rewards of having a life worthy of living.

Life is not always pretty, and you have to put some beauty back into life. Because if people only take, then there will be a shortage someday, you have to be willing to put something back into the life we have.

Practice making life great. If you want today to be better than yesterday, you have to take action to making life better. Do what you can, there is the power to change your life, for the better. If you believe it is possible, then you can do it.

Written by: Ctopher Thomas, A Real Misfit!

Photo Credit: Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

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