Boredom: The Plague

Boredom: A brief on it’s dangers

There is a problem with today’s modern society. While there are many problems with today’s society, specifically one that is dangerous is boredom.

Boredom is defined as an emotional and sometimes psychological state. Many of the problems in life, may stem from boredom. It has been linked to alcoholism, and drug abuse.

When people feel like life has become a living death, when boredom with the norm is so tedious that life just doesn’t make sense like it is.

Sometimes a persons environment is considered to be dull. When it seems like there isn’t any fun, or reason to exert one’s will.

Sometimes boredom is necessary. It can be used to be more creative and to inspire new work. From boredom comes new flavors and breaths new life into creative work.

New Flavors

So sometimes it’s necessary to achieve new heights. Without it, we wouldn’t know when we are tired of what is popular. The whole reason for something being popular is because it’s not boring like our current situation.

Because it has a level of excitement to it. Then when what is current becomes stale, new work replaces the old stuff. And sometimes that is enough to maintain a fresh perspective.

Really getting a fresh perspective is sometimes really important. It helps us to appreciate what we have. The danger lies when things become dull, your wits get dull, your mind gets soft and lazy. Then you spiral down in boredom, looking for a quick fix.

The only way out is to be really creative. You have to push the boundaries. Life can get the better of you if you don’t watch it. Sometimes you have to do what makes you feel alive. Life can be pretty boring. Change is of course inevitable.

Pixelated Decaf

Pretty soon everything looks like the same pixelated bits, on tv, on the big screen, heck even Netflix.

There is something to be said for having a peaceful life. It can however turn into oppressive situation if not kept in check. Sometimes you just want to dance, or play.

When boredom turns oppressive, then there is a problem. We have to make life better for everyone. This means that some people have to change their comfort levels, and adapt.

When you get too comfortable, and set in ways of being boring, first check and make sure you are not causing someone else harm. Because what one person considers heaven could be someone else’s hell.

New Balance

There has to be balance in life. Variety is the spice of life. It helps when you have some variety in your day to day living. You know, eat the same sandwich for too many years and it doesn’t taste as good anymore.

It’s important to break the habits that cause boredom in the first place, otherwise you are just living like a zombie. And that isn’t any fun. You have to get out of your routine.

Life is. Things are. Deal with it.

Photo Credit: Photo by Justin Veenema on Unsplash

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