Category: Avatar

  • Cookie Cutter Aspects

    Aspect Ratio These are raw ideas that need to be developed. Please provide feedback. Thanks. When photographing a subject, the perspective is everything. So I have spent the last twenty-five years photographing my mind to come to some very important conclusions. There are things in today’s cookie cutter society that makes everyone a lot alike.…

  • The Ultimate Selfie

    The Ultimate It’s the year twenty eighteen. The world is in chaos, people aren’t able to make ends meet, they can not agree on what to eat for supper much less who should be president. Everyone is an expert, which basically means that everyone has reduced all the possibilities to such a narrow ledge they…

  • Read This!!!!!

    Drinking Sapphire Wine Hey Here are some idea’s. These are for those of us who are tired of the ways of being locked into something we don’t like. The idea itself is nothing new. However I want to bring it back to the light for all of us to think about. What if we could…