How to have more creative fuel to burn
In order to be really creative, you have to have some fuel to burn. It is the process of using this creative fuel to create new work that produces a work of art. But if you are on empty how in the world do you fill back up?
You should prime yourself with this article about Calibrating For Success, then make use of this article.
The process is different for different people. However there are some things that will help inspire you if you use them correctly. Sometimes you have to fill the tank with good stuff. Other times you have to starve the beast and let hunger do the job.
Sometimes, you have to a little of both. So what works for me is that of careful meditation. By using a thoughtful approach I’m able to have creative fuel, and burn enough that work is completed.
Have More Than One Project In The Fire
Sometimes it helps to have multiple projects. This gives you a backup plan for when things don’t go as expected. By having more than one project to work on, you can stay busy and keep your flow going. Being able to do other projects also enables you to learn new skills. If you are always pushing new boundaries then you always be growing.
If you learn new skills you will find they come in handy in other areas of your work. It all adds up in the long run.
Do More Than Humanly Possible
You have to be doing a great deal of work. This requires doing more than humanly possible on a regular basis. You have to get to be so darn good that people take notice of you and your work.
If you plan carefully, it is possible. You have to be diligent and calm and relaxed. Then you have to work your butt off like never before. It is possible, you just have to be willing to do what is difficult.
Therefore, if you starve yourself from unnecessary activity, you have more time to do good stuff.
Be Careful What You Use For Creative Fuel
Too much TV will bum you out. Try listening to a lot of music. Change your music up enough that you are listening to old and new music from a wide variety of genres. Try listening to classical when you are sleeping at night. Its a great way to effect your dreams and your mood.
Therefore, these are some tips to get you started. Find out what works for you.
Written by Ctopher Thomas
Visit my Website Here.
Photo Credit: Photo by Ricardo Rocha on Unsplash
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