How to go from having thoughts to actually controlling your thoughts. Instead of having thoughts, it’s better if you can make a logical line of reason to follow through a course.
Since emotions can be tied to thoughts, someone that can evoke a thought can make you have an emotional response to that thought.
The reasoning of animals, insects, and people today is group think. Group feelings. Everyone feels good about feeling bad about feeling good about having done something wrong.
By keeping people so emotionally wrapped up that they can not sort out their thoughts, it keeps people from getting more intelligent. The whole process is to keep people stupid.
Get Smarter
The problems with today’s world is that the media is controlling people’s thinking, which is controlling their emotions. People are being manipulated into feeling the way our whole society is feeling.
The only way to think strait is to take your emotions out of the equation. The only real emotion you should have is compassion and un-conditional love. They stir your emotions to keep you from thinking strait.
If you limit your input to stimuli than you can begin to control your thoughts in ways that allow you to control your emotions. Which in turn will allow you to sort your thoughts out and become a reasonable human being that goes from having thoughts to thinking. This allows you greater self mastery and control of your own being that isn’t being mass hypnotized by the media into believing that something is a certain way.
You have to develop the strength to have self mastery of your emotions, your thinking, and your physical abilities. Think about what self mastery means to you.
We can not always control the situations around us, we can however control our response to them. If your thoughts trigger an emotional response then your not in control of yourself as much as you would like to be. It’s important to be in control of one’s own self to the likes that nothing is going to bother you. This however doesn’t mean that one allows themselves to be pushed around, bullied, or taken advantage of.
The differences between having thoughts and thinking is that you have awareness and mindfulness of your thoughts. Thoughts come and go, beware of holding onto any thought for too long. This is especially true of thoughts that make you have emotions. Because then the whole cycle starts back up again.
Do Better
Perhaps the only way to limit these things is to control your social circle and limit the media’s influence upon your mind.
There is no success or failure. Those two imposters will both take you for a ride you don’t want. There is only the moment, in living life and being present. How you make other people feel is important and matters, you don’t want to be the person that abuses and takes advantage of others, and at the same time you don’t want to be abused and taken advantage of.
This requires that one doesn’t want beyond what is practical in life. To be content with a little and happy when their is abundance. But a truly intelligent society makes all it’s inhabitants equal. With everyone having something that they are good at. And many can be good at much. A wise society is one that cares for all it’s people in ways that no one feels left behind, forgotten, or alienated from society.
A wise society is one that has no poor in it’s midst, especially when all can have plenty. If your human, than that unites you with your fellow man, being that your all human. Beware of divisions that make you feel that someone isn’t good enough. Time and situations make all humans fall from high.
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