It Is Time To Wake UP

I want to live

Seems everyone is in a stupor, these days are tough. No one is paying attention to me. Either, they don’t care; or they couldn’t be bothered. My stories aren’t ranking very well, because no one is reading or searching for my work. I’ve noticed. The algorithms have noticed. For my work to reach an audience, the algorithms have to see some interest in my work.

Right now, interest is at zero. So wake up. Until people start to care a little bit, nothing will get better. Seems the human race has some problems. Nothing that couldn’t be solved. If people would pay attention and wake up.

Somehow, I doubt anyone is going to change. People are so selfish these days, they only care about themselves. Pity. Seems I’m not important enough for anyone to care about me at all. Its obvious. I wish this would change a bit. I needed for my work to reach new levels. I’ve put the effort into making great work; somehow no one cares.

I want my life to be amazing. I really do, it is my desire to have a better life. There is nothing wrong with wanting life to be better. Right now, my teeth are rotting in my skull. I wanted that fixed. Seems no one could give a damn.

So what is it going to take for people to start to care? Seems like, I would have to pay people to listen. That isn’t how life should be. I’m tired of the fact, I’m being treated like I don’t matter at all. It is obvious, they couldn’t care.

If no one is going to pay attention, then why bother? Seems there is nothing that I could say, or do that will make people listen to me. This is not the kind of treatment I want. They should at least be paying attention. Most people are content with just existing. Well, if that is all you want out of life, then you can just exist to read my work. You won’t even know the difference. Nothing will be different.

Nothing has really changed in a long time. People are content with just existing; like they are all in stupor and asleep. Are you sure that is the kind of life you want? You should be more alive than that. Really, I think a chimpanzee has a better life than you people. You’re not much smarter than chimpanzees. Living like you are, you don’t really seem to be alive. You are just existing, like warm sacks of shit.

That isn’t the lifestyle I want to be living. That isn’t any kind of life for me to live. I’m tired of the fact my status in life is so low, that no one will give a damn about me at all. It seems humans are cruel about the way they treat me. Maybe even ruthless.

Pity; thought life was going to get better. Feeling like, damn it. Nothing I can do to make this situation better. I’ve tried, no one will listen long enough to reach their hearts and minds.

Really, what I wanted to do is reach their hearts and minds. Seems they are too hard headed to think, and their hearts are stone cold cruel. Someone should have cared by now, I have worked my butt off. Seems talent, skill, and effort are not respected at all. So what in the world do they value? Maybe they just want to exist like warm sacks of shit? Maybe.

I want to live my life, I want life to be amazing. I am tired of just existing like this. It’s not the kind of lifestyle I want to be living. When I thought about what I have in my life, it seems this life is a damn cage. Is that what the human race wants to be born into; A CAGE? Maybe they are that dumb.

It is time to wake up. Because if this goes like it is, it won’t be much longer before they all turn their minds over to computers to think for them, to feel for them, and to pray for them. Sick!

It is time to wake up. Stop your slumber, start to feel again. You have to awaken your spirit, you have to start to live again. The human race is dangerously close to loosing their ability to reason. No one is thinking, no one will listen, and the poor fools are going to pay for it.


People are in a slumber, or some kind of stupor. They are not really being kind, or loving. The neglect, indifference, and apathy are a sick society. If this doesn’t change, the world is going to be thrown into chaos. Life has to get better, a lot better. Maybe most people are happy? Maybe they don’t know better? There is no excuse!!

Photo Credit: Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

Written by Ctopher Thomas, A Real Misfit

More to come. . .

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