In my findings of searching life, exploring the options. Here is what I’ve found. This is not a writers market. This is not even a publishers market. My advice is that you spend your time writing your family and loved ones. Write brilliant letters to people that are real that you know personally.
This is not a readers market either. The whole scene is bad these days. Most people won’t or can’t read. It is my hope that with enough encouragement that people will see the error of their ways and come back around. However I’m not going to hold my breath for this change to take place.
My advice is write books and poetry because you love to write. Don’t seek for people to buy your books or add the stress upon yourself to entertain mindless people that don’t have enough common sense to know how to buy a book in the first place.
Have hope. Practice!
Most people today know how to work a tv set, and to use facebook. The prices for a lot of things just got a lot more expensive because they have hurt us writers financially and emotionally with their abuse, hate, and neglect.
If you really must do something that involves writing, charge up front fees that range from five to ten thousand dollars per one hundred words. Also use the time to profit from writing tv shows and movies if you find it necessary.
It’s best to write because you love it. It’s best to write to those that you love. Everything else in today’s market and economy has fallen to the very bottom of a deep pit that will be perhaps re-discovered some day in the future; but for today’s civilization, your best chances of success are neither online or in print. It’s a dying species like the insects, and life on earth for this period of time. I hope that future civilizations will find what we leave behind and benefit by not making the same mistakes humans have made in this world.
Take Note
I wish you the best, and don’t let this discourage you from writing. My only hope is to save you from the heartbreak of dashed hopes that come from not having success in a world that is too stupid to care, read, or think. Write me letters, I hope to read them.
Todays world is mostly doomed. Machines are writing, and people are just drinking and watching tv like mindless zombies. Something has to change for the better. Maybe distant worlds will find us in time to save the human race from going the way of the dodo.
Keep journals, write poetry, write your stories. Don’t give up. That doesn’t mean the world needs to see them right now. The people that need written to is someone that cares that can change the direction things are going. Do something.
Keep your chin up. You writing matters. Keep it up.
Posted Feb 16, 2019 @ 17:39:01