Want To Change Your Life? Answer This: What Is Noble In Today’s Society?

There has to be a way. . .

Today’s modern world is something that has some problems. Really when one thinks about the world we are living in, it goes way beyond just having injustice in life.

To stand up against injustice is the right thing to do; however, the better thing to do is to fix the problems which are causing the real problems in the first place.

The current system in place has caused countless numbers of problems that could have been prevented. In its original form, the system in place may have been very useful; however, the variables have become tainted along the way. Really we have to restore the system back to a clean slate. There needs to be some correction made, to account for the way things have become unbalanced.

Really, it is a matter of balance. Too many variables have become unbalanced, and the system has nothing to restore correct values in the equation. Without the ability to “reset” the values, injustice will continue to be a problem.

When one considers what is noble, and how to go about living with yourself in true nobility; maybe, those who work for the good of others is of some use.

Many today are chasing the money, or women, or nice cars, and big houses. However, if one were to do what is truly noble, then those things would likely happen regardless of the situations.

The idea that I keep going back to in my thoughts is that if people were really being kind in their dealings with others, a lot of these problems could be avoided in whole.

All too often, people are hard pressed, stressed, and at the breaking point. Those conditions create situations that lead to harm, hurt, and pain. When those who have been effected by those things go forward, there is always some of the hurt that gets carried over into their future dealings.

With having so many people, I would say, there is a high percentage of people that are hurting and in pain. It seems, there is a large number of us in this world that are the walking wounded. Those who have been hurt, stung, or injured. Really with the number of people that have been hurt, it’s surprising that the world doesn’t have a lot more problems than it does.

Really, we have to find something noble to do about it. The current system, while it once worked; has taken a real downward spiral out of control, and out of balance.

Most people don’t have good solutions. Few today can think about it, and even fewer people really actually care. And this is the second point about where the problem is. Too many people today, they couldn’t be bothered. They don’t give a damn. Not unless it’s going to look cool to be a mob speaking out about the injustice. Then they are all in, even if they are doing injustice because of it.

So we have to be kind, and we have to care. Really, the problems wouldn’t be that difficult to solve, if people were willing to do the work to make it better. So that goes back to people that actually care, and give a damn. We all have a limited amount of time, and we only have the ability to care about so many things at any one given point of time. Really, there seems to a problem that people have accepted herd mentality as their moral compass.

And that, is where a problem is. Something has to be done to change the direction things are going, before everyone ends up hurting a lot more. We must seek peace, we must seek healing. Before it is too late, and the unthinkable happens.

Something has to change for the better, and in ways that are useful, and effective to make life better for everyone. The world can not afford to wait. Before it is too late, start with what you know, and really give it all some deep thought. You will have to think about it, for a long time before you are able to reach a good answer.

So start the discussion today, and give it thought. Talk about these things in calm reasonable ways that are not angry, hateful, or vengeful. You have to be reasonable, to change the world; it takes an awful lot of good sense.

It will take understanding beyond what humans can think of. Someone is going to have to come along that is truly brilliant. These problems need to be solved, and made better. Someone is going to have to do it. Why won’t it be you that does?


Think about doing something that is truly noble. Do what is good for everyone, and after long enough it will become the standard by which all things are measured. People have to start to care again, not just about the injustice; but the real causes of these problems in the first place. Be wise, do your own research, be aware, have a care. Do what is best for everyone.

Life has to get a lot better, before it is too late. Do what you can. Show some courage, and be strong. Life has to get a lot better for everyone. Think about doing what is noble, and everything else should just flow.

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