Category: Droad

  • A Life I Used To Have –This Cage Holds Me Tight

    My life used to be very different. In terms of a life that resembles my life previously, this life is nothing close to what I used to have. The life I used to have is a distant memory of what I have now. This cage holds me tight in its grip. When I was growing…

  • Notes From Earth

    My Cage Needs Torn DownNotes from a steppenwolf Are we living in a cage? The very fiber necessary to make life worth living, is missing from my existence. After taking inventory of what I have, it seems I have a cage. There are no friends, no job, no girlfriend in my life. The world lacks…

  • Life is, Things Are

    On The Bounce, Stow that crap! Life has been strange the last year. What most people don’t like about the last year, is what my life has been like for many years. This is really nothing new to me. Same crap, different day. You know? However, my point about this year being strange still stands.…

  • Two Sides To Choose From

    The Cats Side Of The Story We want left alone. There will be no talking about anything. We have enough food for tonight, and we just want to watch the TV. I’m not going to worry about anything like the future, what would that accomplish; nothing! We are perfectly happy wasting out lives, and besides…

  • Boredom: The Plague

    Boredom: A brief on it’s dangers There is a problem with today’s modern society. While there are many problems with today’s society, specifically one that is dangerous is boredom. Boredom is defined as an emotional and sometimes psychological state. Many of the problems in life, may stem from boredom. It has been linked to alcoholism,…

  • Chaos In Motion: My Site!

    Just a quick update. my digital chaos is now random at All the photos and text from the Did you know are loaded in random orders. If you refresh the page, it will look totally different. This has been a project that has been going on for a while now, and now it’s done.…

  • Advice From A Monk….

    The Difference There is a difference between living, and just existing. It’s been long known that in horse racing one horse runs faster than the others, but which one? Differences are crucial. There is a difference between just existing and actually living. What humans today call living to me seems to be just a living…

  • Sharper Image? Do Laundry!

    A Sharper Image Being a photographer, I can tell you one of the biggest gripes you will ever hear from talking with photographers in general is that getting a picture to look sharp enough seems impossible. Even with the best lens, the high res .jpg, and Photoshop. Like those photographs, sometimes it’s tough to get…

  • Thoughts on life!!

    Long Hard Road Sometimes one’s travels are the best parts of life. Getting to travel and see the sights, to enjoy life, and sip it’s sparkling wine. Sometimes those travels come with a kiss and an open hand. I’ve traveled twenty years with a clinched teeth and a fist so hard that my feet hurt.…

  • Wanted: Lasting Peace

    Travels Through the years, there have been many road blocks to understanding, making reasonable progress. There have also been many obstacles in the way of positive change. These are not impossible hurdles, they are merely moments that people have to learn how to overcome. There are a few things that can be learned from Douglas…