Life explained!

Life explained!

The creative process hasn’t finished yet. Think of it as using a three dimensional printer to make a three dimensional printer. Except the process is doing something else. That’s life explained in the simple terms of it.

If you were going to be building something large and complex. You would naturally want to work on small pieces and do a perfect job while completing each piece with perfection. Then you would move to the next piece that needs done and after the whole process has completed. Then we would have a finished product that is perfect and fit for a king.

So when I look at life and the process that we are living in, and thinking about what we’re doing with life. The creation process isn’t finished yet. We are just waiting on each piece of the puzzle to be completed in a timely and perfect manner.

It’s not easy, life is tough. What we’re making is going to be done right, the first time. And even if we have to make history repeat itself time and time again to complete the perfect finish on each and every piece. We are building something great.  When it’s done it will be done right and be perfect.

Don’t Doubt; Have some faith.

Damn it, I’m smart enough to build it. And patient enough to wait for the process to complete. But damn it I Didn’t do by myself. I had help. When it’s done everyone gets their fair credit and no one will be left behind or forgotten. Everyone will be there and life will be better for everyone when it’s done.

It may be possible if you think about it, to have a being that is old enough and wise enough to have lived a million lives as a human. While having all that experience and knowledge and having done it right.  You would wake up with a wealth of knowledge and wisdom and enough experience that when real life started you would be not only careful and happy enough to do right. You would be careful enough not to hurt anyone.

Be Kind

If you think about what the lives of a million people on earth would be like and the sadness and gladness from each of those lives and times. You would understand that the combined experiences would make you not only stronger, but a better being in the long run.

The beginning is so important that it can not be left to chance. You have to understand that god doesn’t play dice with the universe. What is being done is being done by The True God for our benefit in the future and the life that we will all have. When the creation process completes everyone will be well aware of the process having finished. It’s not over until it’s done!

Be Aware, Have some Care!

Please be aware, please have a care. Be kind, the cruel life that these people have been putting other people through has been enough shit to fill a dump in hell. Please start being better to other people and start living your life like you mean it for the good of everyone. Add some joy to people’s lives. Make someone’s day better. Not talking just a smile, but something that warms their heart and mind and soul.

Please be aware, when it’s finished, it’s really done. It’s not over until it’s done right and everything is complete. So be aware, have a care. Be kind and wait for the process to finish. Everyone will be happy in the end.

But the three dimensional printer, you know the wind and rain all do something in the building process. You know God doesn’t make junk. So it’s going to be done right. Just keep being kind and come hell or high water. Life will continue until the process is done.


If you think I’m crazy, your right. If you think I’m insane, please check yourself into the nearest hospital. I’m just fine. If your really believe that I’m wrong and don’t know what I’m talking about and that I’m full of shit.

Then you have to read my journals of four point five million words. Then I want you to endure the shit i have had to think, feel, and believe. After that if you still don’t believe me, then fuck you. I wanna see the look on your face when it’s done.

If that doesn’t satisfy your understanding of life. Or if however you feel that’s not life explained very well, please consult god for advice.

Does anyone bother to think about life?

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