Broken Dreams
Broken dreams don’t make a person lose their mind. If you think your losing your mind, perhaps stress. Perhaps pain, maybe too many years of isolation. Broken dreams don’t hurt. Why should they. Just because you put everything in your heart and soul into something that doesn’t work out, why should that be difficult. Maybe it’s just my ego that wants freedom from the cycle of life?
It seems no one cares, and the truth of the matter is no one does. People only care about themselves. If I could offer solutions for how they could solve their problems, then they would all be interested. Perhaps I have such a solution, but to share such information would require that someone listen.
The problem is until I have an answer for people’s most difficult problems they simply aren’t going to be wise enough to listen now. Which is sad, because if they would listen now, the future could be prevented in advance and they would be able to fix what’s wrong before it becomes a problem.
You think? Or do you think your losing your mind?
Which came first the solution to the problem or the problem itself? Maybe the problem is by design and they only want us to believe that the problem exists so they can fix it later and take all the credit? Hmm… You could figure it out.
Think You’re Losing your mind? Wait until AI makes all the programming.
Maybe if your not thinking, then you really are losing your mind. Have you stopped to consider the facts. Thinking is equal to having a mind that is in good shape, and not thinking is equal to having lost your mind. Think about it.
What is truth? If I knew, maybe then I could help you solve your problems and make life better for everyone? Maybe I would give it away for free? The world is dangerously close to having lost it’s mind.
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