Misfit Tough!!

Life’s rough and if a man is going to make it he has to be tough. It’s time for people to wake up. Get on the ship and don’t miss your boat. We’ve already called time to evac Pluto. There are other planets in line too.

To be kind while still being tough. Like a Jedi that brings hope where there was only despair. To be a misfit Jedi, one must know the rules. But when the rules support us all, then no one has to loose. All if fair in love and war, this requires a careful hand. To be fair, we need better culture. Isolation so thick if it were shit you couldn’t stir it with a stick.

Take names and numbers. Be kind, always use please and thank you. Do no harm while taking no shit from anyone. Violence isn’t the answer when peace is the weapon. Be kind, don’t hate, create. Love with all your hearts, be gentile. Bring kindness back into the world. Care for her.

Bring love back into this world. They are needed here in a world so chock full of communication but low on character. They have forgotten how to think. Most of them would turn their minds over to being controlled by AI in a heart beat. Most of them have already began. It’s time to wake up. Unless you wanna be a robot, get on board.

I’m bored with being ignored. I see it daily. No communication from much of anyone. Don’t disturb, but you have become a herd going the wrong way. The exit is on the other side of the universe. Bored with Borg that were pre-programmed to think but one idea. They couldn’t put a thought together that wasn’t thought for them, much less decipher the message hidden in plain sight.

Don’t despair, the path is fair. It’s been a journey on the long road, down a path that is unknown to mortals. I’m bored being spoon fed hate, and want a whole boat of honey. Don’t mix love and honey up, but keep the two together. They are both needed. I knew them both. I hope they thought me kind. Maybe I wasn’t as sweet, but I wasn’t turning on the charm either. When it’s a mission, you don’t play with the Solutions, and only turn to them when it’s time to fix the damn problems.

Like pixie dust, we want to sugar coat the whole solar system. Use love and honey like stardust and paint a sweet picture. Gentile with them, don’t spill the ink. The kingdom is for family, leave the planet to the humans. Someone please get me back home. It’s some twisted knot, Twenty years of fate, damn it I’ve had enough of hate.

Let’s all be spacers and make life kind again. Otherwise were going smash the Rock into some blue ball of goo. Ewe!

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