Life is what God and men make it. Seems humans haven’t been doing a very good job keeping things in good shape, or running smoothly. My thoughts about this are that peoples attitudes and priorities are not in line with what matters the most.
Seems everyone these days is kind of bent in some way. Maybe this world is some kind of junk box? There is beauty here, if you look for it. However, you won’t find it if you’re looking in the wrong places.
We have to get back to what will really make us happy. I’ve been thinking about this. Sometimes what we think will make us happy, in the long run; really doesn’t satisfy. The world needs peace, humans have forgotten how to be kind. They have lost touch with their humility.
Something needs to change in this world. Most humans aren’t thinking, they don’t listen; and they don’t want to be wrong about anything. Humans need to get back to always being beginners. When everyone thinks they are experts, there is a lot of problems.
This is what we are seeing today. Everyone in their own eyes thinks they are experts, and none of them ever want to admit they are wrong. Because they don’t want to look bad; even for a second.
When you have the right frame of mind, everything else is easy. Too many people today have the wrong frame of mind about their lives. This makes things get out of perspective, and people loose touch with their priorities and then their attitude gets all bent.
Life has to get better. It really does. At this rate, the world will blink and be out of existence. There has to be some changes made in life. Start by being humble in your life. Then work on being kind to everyone. Work on your thoughts until you can live with yourself, and others are willing to live with you.
When everyone gets in the game, life gets better for everyone. That is what we want. Too many today are positive they are right about the wrong stuff. They need to work on their priorities and their attitudes until they are being humble and kind.
Here is some music to start your meditation with. Give it a listen!
Photo Credit: Photo by ALEXANDRE DINAUT on Unsplash
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