Visions For The Future – Essay

Really, people have to start thinking about the world we want to live in. Many are overcome with despair; however that isn’t going to solve the problem. This essay is some of my visions for the future. Please take the time to read it.


Exploration of outer space may be beneficial, with the understanding those on this earth may only take material out of our own solar system for use on earth. You must not steal material from other worlds / solar systems outside our solar system.

There is some good that can come from space. If nothing else, we wonder who the first painter will be to paint in zero gravity? Maybe they will be famous? You never know.

Point: As long as space travel doesn’t drain resources on this planet, there is some good that come from space exploration. Don’t junk the solar system up. We all have to live here.


The future can be better. We have to think a few centuries in advance, seems most people are only thinking, 5 years, or 10 years into the future. This simply won’t do, we have to plan a few hundred years in advance. Life could be better for everyone with the proper use of technology.

We need systems that work. What we have today isn’t great. Its all kind of neat, but just expensive toys compared to what we need. The way things are, most people are being taken advantage of. Seems some people put profits ahead of everything. This has to change.


There are enough resources when used properly. Waste will leave us wanting more in a few centuries. We have to think in advance. Some of the things that need to be changed include using hydrogen fuel cells that output more water, and the correct use of nuclear fuels.

Our cities are awful wasteful. We need to find ways to have better community and education resources. And the use of resources in a more positive way. Water is important to our survival, and must be maintained.

We need cities that are better designed for transportation, around central hubs with points of interest. Also, transportation to and from points used for shopping. This has to be a lot better.

Design cities with enough advance knowledge that will work for long periods of time, even with growth.


Don’t muck with the good stuff.


Please start planning five centuries in advance. We have to have systems that will work and don’t disturb life as we know it. We have to be able to give people some hope for the future. I think the status quo is just waiting to be broken; we could all have better lives. People wouldn’t feel taken advantage of if their lives were worthy of living. We simply have to have enough culture to sustain wanting to exist in this world. The lack of culture is going to cause people to feel dis-heartened.

Photo Credit: Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Written by Ctopher Thomas, A Real Misfit

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