Why Quality Food Matters and Makes Life Enjoyable

You Get Hungry Sometimes. . .

Having something to eat is a good thing. Having really good food is important; as it adds to the quality of life that you can live. When the food is just bland, dull, and frozen; it isn’t as good as having a fresh cooked meal that tastes delicious.

You can improve the quality of life you have by eating good food. Really if you are only getting your food from a drive-thru, you are missing out on some real living.

The flavor of food matters, the ingredients have be fresh, and well prepared. Because it has to stir your taste buds into believing that eating is worthy of doing. When the food isn’t as good as it should be, your taste buds see no reason to eat that junk.

Really good food adds a lot of enjoyment to living, and having a quality lifestyle. In today’s world, having some lifestyle makes all the difference in the world. Just existing as a boujee, isn’t really living well. The quality of food you can get, shouldn’t have to be expensive to eat well. You would think, in today’s modern world; food would be the last of our problems.

Seems, the world doesn’t want people to live well. Our shopping options are limited, and without having access to the best, we get complacent and settle for what we can get our hands on. Really we should be eating better than this, there is no excuse for the way things are.

Wake Up!

You want the food to stir your desire to live, you want the food you eat to be enjoyable. Eating is something everyone has to do at least once a day, and the process should be something that you enjoy doing.

Frozen food, it just doesn’t have the same appeal that a home cooked meal has with it. It isn’t as enjoyable to eat something that was frozen, heated up, and served like a dish that was cold. It doesn’t stir your senses. It doesn’t wake your taste buds up from a long slumber.

We want to eat food that tastes really good. We want to eat something delicious. For that to happen, someone is going to have to cook. I’m not sure how we can really eat better, but I know for a fact, it is possible. It could happen, and I don’t believe that is being grandiose about wanting better food to eat. It doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to taste really good.


Everyone should be able to have a good quality of life, and what you eat matters, it adds a lot of enjoyment to your life. It also adds some culture, and a dash of variety to your life. Really, you eat the same stuff too long, pretty soon it all tastes so darn bland and dull. There has to be some variety in what we eat, and the enjoyment that we get from it.

At least there is coffee. Coffee always works.

Written by Ctopher Thomas, A Real Misfit

Photo Credit: Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

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