An Important Truth

An Important Truth

People that do creative things. The end goal is not to become a writer, or photographer, or painter. What we really want is the journey that takes us through all of the experiences that come with being creative.

The end result is not to be just one thing, but to become a competent reasonable being; with talent, hard earned skill. What we really want is the courage to risk it, and the endurance that it builds from the long line of failures and small successes.

Not only do we want to be creative, we want to inspire others to do likewise. Secretly we are calling others to say, “Yes, I can.” It’s not about getting credit, or being most popular, it’s the adventure seeking desire inside us to dare to be outside the box.

Be Brave

This doesn’t come easy. Or cheep for thrill seekers. It takes a lot of pain, hurt, and endurance to keep going. When you write, no one reads it. After you take a lot of photographs, no one likes them. You know what you have? The desire to create. Don’t let their lack of applause stop you from doing what you love. Likes and shares are over rated anyways.

The truth is we want a better life. We believe others should have a better life too. We want them to see through the distraction of this world and build skills now. It’s not about what you did ten years ago. It’s about right now, it’s about the patience, skill, courage, and determination you have to keep going now.

Do what you can to make life cool for someone else. Most people don’t know this, you can reference William Blake who said that life is joy and woe, and when we understand this safely through life we go.

Climb The Rock

I will tell you a secret, when faced with a rock and hard place; climb that rock. It’s the only way out. You may not understand now, but someday you will. Keep going. Even if people don’t listen, and they don’t want to believe. If you believe long enough, they will come around to understanding.

Remember the advice of Rudyard Kipling, “The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf.” I have been a lone wolf far too long. When at my wits end, my motto is: “Fight until I’m dead.” It’s not over, not by a long shot. So keep going, keep believing, and keep dreaming. It helps if you have some love.

You can live the life you want, do what you can to inspire people along the way. Do not strive to be famous, rather strive to be the best you possible. You don’t get credit, the rewards are from what you help others to do. Live carefully, but no so carefully that you fail to do your best. Risk normal for greater rewards, like peace of mind, meaningful lasting friendships, and love.

Today is the day!

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