Category: Humor
The Last Day
This story was written about a year ago. Posting here, for your thoughts, and ideas. The Last Day From a deep sleep I wake up in my bed. It is six thirty in the morning. I look at my wife, and think, “Shit, I don’t believe this is my last day to live.” It’s just…
Philosophical Empowerment
Make Yourself Better! Through reason, one can improve their life. You have to understand, without being able to reason, nothing else is of value. Or has very little value for very short periods of time. The mess society finds itself in today; what a mess! phi·los·o·phy /fəˈläsəfē/ noun the study of the fundamental nature of…
Depressed because of Bots, Buggers & Digital Oppression?
I hate bots, digital oppression and some mad buggers wall In the digital age, life used to be a lot better. These days, you have to really be special to get found, read, or anyone to listen to you. There are so many writers these days, it is like a flood of text upon our…
Do Something Great
Lord knows, I’m trying. Seems it takes gigantic effort in life to really do something great. You have to work your butt off. Even then, you may feel like, no one will notice. How can anyone do something great? I would like to explore the idea. Some say, “Some day, I’m going to change the…
Thinking Outside The Box
Thinking Outside The Box – A primer It has been a long time in getting here. It seems, I’m finally thinking outside the box. It didn’t take anything fancy; it happened on its own out of sheer bloody minded boredom. There has been a number of years that passed in the process, and maybe it…
The End Of The Yuppies
Interesting times. One of my favorite memories was being in my twenty’s at the time, working a cool job; and lunch was $20 bucks. Back then, the $20 dollar bill was lovingly referred to as a Yuppy food coupon. Seems those days are long gone. An ode to my youth. Seems these days; even the…
Five Tips For Using A Computer
A lot of people are scared of using things they don’t understand. Their fear comes from not understanding what they are using. And since they don’t want to take the time to understand something complex; they live in fear of what they don’t know. I’ve been giving a lot of consideration to how to help…
Two Sides To Choose From
The Cats Side Of The Story We want left alone. There will be no talking about anything. We have enough food for tonight, and we just want to watch the TV. I’m not going to worry about anything like the future, what would that accomplish; nothing! We are perfectly happy wasting out lives, and besides…
Sanity IQ Quiz
Take your results with a grain of salt. However, there might be some fun to be had by playing. Give it try, unless you try; you never really know. You want to know, right? This was a project in my spare time that was something to do for fun. I guess I have strange idea…
Human Mechanics
Human Mechanics, the study of what makes humans The careful study of the human race can reveal some very interesting facts. I like to call this study, human mechanics. After forty-five years of learning about humans, some of the mystery has vanished. That isn’t to say it wasn’t interesting, because in all honesty; it’s been…