The Last Day

This story was written about a year ago. Posting here, for your thoughts, and ideas.

The Last Day

From a deep sleep I wake up in my bed. It is six thirty in the morning. I look at my wife, and think, “Shit, I don’t believe this is my last day to live.” It’s just not been enough time to really live. I get up and go brew coffee. A few minutes later Dana comes in and gives me a hug.

“You know today is my last day alive, right?” I say to her as she holds my hand in hers. “Oh honey, I’m busy today, I know you told me two weeks ago, but I’ve got plans today.”

I shake my head in disbelief and wonder where I went wrong. “I was hoping to spend today with you, and to have some of our last moments together. You can’t do that for me?”

She looks at me in a disapproving manner for scolding her, “No dear, I’m sorry, I have to take Jane to Disneyland today, I had the plans months ago.”

I let go of her hand and just search her eyes, looking for some sign she is joking. I can not believe what I’m hearing. She doesn’t invite me to go with them, and she is serious.

“If it will make you feel better, I can hold your hand tomorrow when you die, would that help?” she says to me looking like she is serious.

“Yeah, okay. Well I hope you and Jane have a nice day. Don’t stay out too late.” I say to her and take my cup of coffee to the other room to try and pull myself together. I can not believe what a bitch she is.

I check my email, everyone knew weeks ago that tomorrow is my last day to live in this world. So far I’ve heard from two people. I thought that I had friends, or people that at least liked me. It’s like I’m already dead to them. Maybe for all practical purposes, I’m as good as dead to them.

Dana is getting the house, and everything I’ve worked the last fifty years of my life for. There is no other plans really, just the fact that tomorrow I will die.

No email. Life has been rough. Maybe it’s good I’m going to die, no one will miss me. They don’t give a shit. I get dressed, and take my coffee seriously for the last time.

I go for a walk, then a long drive to nowhere. Just driving in my car. No one to spend the time with, its like life is going to stop for me, yet they will all go about their lives like nothing happened.

Maybe it’s like I wasn’t even really here at all. Maybe I will be the distant memory of what they knew, but nothing more than that.

I can’t believe how they have treated me. It’s like they take pleasure in knowing I’m leaving. Wish it were better. I see a guy begging for something to eat on the side of the road in front of a restaurant. I stop the car and get out.

The guy looks like he’s in bad shape, maybe hasn’t eaten in a week or something. I approach him cautiously but directly, and wave from about ten feet away.

“Hello, are you hungry?” I ask him. “Oh sir, I’m starving, its been a while since I had something to eat.” I ask him if he would like to eat a good meal at the restaurant, and he looks at me like I’m crazy.

“I can not afford to eat there.” he says to me. I motion for him to follow and say, “Don’t worry, I’m buying, today’s my last day in this world, tomorrow I will die. It is my treat.”

He follows me, and we walk up to the front door of the restaurant. He looks at me with a sorry look and says, “Are you sure you’re buying, no tricks?”

I feel pity for him, “No tricks, I’m buying.” I say to him.

“Okay, thank you sir.”

In the process of an hour I try to get to know the man, and spend the time I could have been with Dana to get to know him a little bit. Seems he’s had some unfortunate life events, and some real trouble in his life.

He eats a meal, of modest means and thanks me when I pay for it. I ask his name, and where I can find him again. Then go my own way. I reckon I won’t see him again, but you never know.

My phone beeps, its a text message from Dana, it’s a picture of her and Jane at Disneyland. Looks like they are having a good time. Maybe they are having the time of their lives. I’m not. Not sure how I want to spend the rest of the day. I go back home, and look at my will.

Dana is well off, she gets everything. Tomorrow at six am, I will be dead as nails. She said she would be there to hold my hand, but after the way she treated me today, I’m not so sure its really going to be great.

I feel sorry for the guy that needed a meal. Dana has never had it so good, she is set for the rest of her life, even without my money and goods.

Then much to my dismay, Dana calls at eight thirty at night and says they have met some people, they are going for drinks, and she won’t be home tonight at all.

I’m like, “Shit” I had hoped to spend some of the evening with her. It’s like the final straw, you know? The one that broke the camels back.

I call my lawyer, and have my will changed. I decided to leave the house and everything I’ve worked for to the homeless bum I met today and had a meal with. That should piss Dana off. Serves her right for being such a bitch.

With that I go to sleep and having completed my life, find that I await to die.

When I wake up, I’m somewhere else.

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