Category: learning
Mercury Retrograde Page
Sometimes there are things you want to know. It may not be useful to everyone; however, some people may find this page of use. I designed a page that shows the current status of Mercury retrogrades. At first, I thought that I could build the calculations myself, and learn how to do this all myself.…
A Brief Guide On How To Write
The Basics In A Nutshell In simple terms, writing is thinking for your audience. They are going to have to think every word you write. Therefore, your authors voice has to be easy and gentile enough that the reader can understand it. People in general, they don’t like to have to think too much. So…
Sanity IQ Quiz
Take your results with a grain of salt. However, there might be some fun to be had by playing. Give it try, unless you try; you never really know. You want to know, right? This was a project in my spare time that was something to do for fun. I guess I have strange idea…
Creative Fuel – Guide To Success
How to have more creative fuel to burn In order to be really creative, you have to have some fuel to burn. It is the process of using this creative fuel to create new work that produces a work of art. But if you are on empty how in the world do you fill back…
Captains Log
Lost Love This underground account of the lost love that was only possible. Although it wasn’t practical. Adults forget the secrets they once knew. Mostly because the system tries to beat out any trace of wisdom or knowledge. Anything that isn’t hidden in Poetry. Even then your odds are based upon the probability of pi.…
Creative Environments
Creative Advice This is a short essay I wrote about creative environments. It’s not a complete book, it is however only some very basic ideas to help people get started. It is by no means complete. Hence it is not perfect. Please don’t base life upon this document. It’s not a guide, it’s not even…
Knowing The Path and Walking The Path
Enlightenment an Essay Finding enlightenment can not be understood through teaching. No matter how many times you read this essay, you will not become enlightened as per se. You may be able to find a path that will lead to enlightenment. The journey is strictly up to you as your own being. That said, take…
An Important Truth
An Important Truth People that do creative things. The end goal is not to become a writer, or photographer, or painter. What we really want is the journey that takes us through all of the experiences that come with being creative. The end result is not to be just one thing, but to become a…