Category: Work

  • Mercury Retrograde Page

    Sometimes there are things you want to know. It may not be useful to everyone; however, some people may find this page of use. I designed a page that shows the current status of Mercury retrogrades. At first, I thought that I could build the calculations myself, and learn how to do this all myself.…

  • Thoughts On Validation – What Makes You, You?

    Thoughts On Validation A few days ago, a subject came up about someone else and how they must feel about themselves. My Mumz said the persons self esteem must be rock bottom because the only validation she seeks is online. Below are a few of my thoughts on validation. After giving it some thought, I…

  • Geek Tips – Five Design Points

    5 Points Geeks Should Consider a non technical article with valuable points Web Design has come a long ways since the days of 1997. A lot has changed, some for the better. It seems we have rockets compared to the tools of old. Back in the days when we were coding html by hand and…

  • Creative Fuel – Guide To Success

    How to have more creative fuel to burn In order to be really creative, you have to have some fuel to burn. It is the process of using this creative fuel to create new work that produces a work of art. But if you are on empty how in the world do you fill back…

  • How to use technology to calibrate yourself

    You can do this!! We have a lot of tools at our disposal, the question is: Are we using them? Likely the answer is no. However we should! So ask yourself how to use your technology tools to calibrate yourself for success. Your Phone This is your greatest tool. Your phone is likely the most…

  • The Future: 1

    The Future: Story Planes no longer stop for passengers, if you want to make a stop in the next city, the only option is to jump. I have everything i need. My phone. Jumping from twenty thousand feet is a joy. When I land, they scan my phone, a transport van takes me to my…

  • How Do We Win Your Hearts?

    Why The Problem? Why do we have these problems? First of all the world has become a cruel place to live, when we lack care. There is however hope. We need to advance as a society, not just five or ten years. As a whole we need to advance a hundred years or more in…

  • How to go from having thoughts to thinking

    HowTo: How to go from having thoughts to actually controlling your thoughts. Instead of having thoughts, it’s better if you can make a logical line of reason to follow through a course. Since emotions can be tied to thoughts, someone that can evoke a thought can make you have an emotional response to that thought.…

  • Knowing The Path and Walking The Path

    Enlightenment an Essay Finding enlightenment can not be understood through teaching. No matter how many times you read this essay, you will not become enlightened as per se. You may be able to find a path that will lead to enlightenment. The journey is strictly up to you as your own being. That said, take…

  • The Story of Valdership

    A parable “Teach me how to think like you think, please.” The college freshman requested of his philosophy teacher. The professor looked for a moment into the sky and said, “I could no more teach you how to think like me, than it would be possible to teach you to think like a baboon.” The…