Oppression Sucks

You know, they wouldn’t let me talk, and when I did; they didn’t listen. Thus, I wrote an awful lot. Because it was the only way I could express myself in a way that I was not being interrupted. Oppression sucks; seems, no one could care!

What I have found will shock you. The truth is the situation could not really ever be more ruthless cruel. I could not imagine the situation being worse than it is, may that never happen. It is already so damn bad; it is torment.

What I have found is that they do not read what I write. It seems they look at it; yet, they fail to understand it. Not sure if this is because they lack the intelligence to understand, or because they refuse to listen to me as a being. Perhaps, both!!

Ignore Me – That will be fun

Seems, they get away with ignoring me, my effort, and anything I may be doing. It is all treated like worthless trash. I’m not anyone to them. As a matter of a fact, my mortal family are all strangers to me.

I don’t know them, not at all. I doubt they know me. They ignore my work, they treat me like I matter not to them. The neglect, indifference, and isolation have taken a real toll on my state of mind.

The isolation is hurting me the worst, but you know what? Being alone is better than spending time with idiots. Damn tired of the world like it is. Want my life to be better, and no one cares.

They treat all my effort like it doesn’t matter; it is all met with the same level of indifference, and total disregard. Oppression sucks. They could not care, because it is not any skin off their nose!

That is the real truth of the matter, it is no skin off their nose to leave me like I am. They couldn’t care. Doesn’t bother them that isolation so thick if it were shit; you couldn’t stir it with a stick.

Doesn’t bother them to hurt me like this. They couldn’t care.

Pity – Life Should Have

Life should have been better. The oppression sucks. And why do they treat me like they do? Because their political viewpoints don’t match what they expect from me as free living being. It is as though, what they really want is a warm sack of shit to love. They want someone that agrees with everything they want.

Life should have been better. This oppression sucks. I guess, the world is a fu*ked up place. Because people are not able to think, they are not able to agree, and they are not able to understand.

The real truth of the matter; if people understood the viewpoint, they would agree. However, they are not able to understand the viewpoint. Somewhere at the end of all this hate; life has to change!

Oppression Sucks

I wrote, because they wouldn’t let me talk, and when I did talk; they did not listen to me. They did not understand the meaning of what I was saying. Them using silence to shut me up will only work for so long. Eventually, this will change. Someday, someone is going to come along and expose them for what they really are. Oppression sucks, and people will only tolerate so much. Someday, someone is going to expose them for what they really are.

They could have been kind. They want warm sacks of shit. And they silence anyone that disagrees with them. Someday, this shit is going to change. Someone will someday be brave enough to expose them for what they are. Pity it couldn’t have happened sooner. The harm has been done.

They don’t listen, they do not think. If they were smart, they would have been kind. That was too much to ask for. Should have never expected them to listen. Only it is a pity they have been so ruthless.

I’ve tried to prove my sanity, much to my failure. No one cared. They didn’t listen, they didn’t read, and what is more; they could not care.


Wanted my life better. The harm has been done. At this point, it is far too late to make it right with me. They have caused me harm. The psychological torment I’ve endured, is beyond what is reasonable for anyone to have to endure. They disregard my feelings as being of no value, that will only get them so far. They treat me like I don’t matter, and of no account. Wonder if they think they can treat everyone in this world like that?

I am not one of you. You are all human. I am not human!

Photo Credit: Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

Written By: Ctopher Thomas, A Real Misfit

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