Life is. Things are. I guess my life is getting along. Having a birthday this week. Seems I should be almost a hundred by now. They say it isn’t the years, but the miles. So true. Life has been rough a lot of the time. The last twenty years have taken their toll on me.
Yet, here I am. Mostly happy and feeling okay about life. Being creative is a major plus in my life. Seems looking at my work, sometimes I don’t recognize some of my own work. I think the quality has come up. It however looks nothing like work I’ve done in the past.
Maybe that is a good thing? Maybe. Getting by best I can. I’m bored with the status quo, looking to start a new project this week. Maybe some video and some fun music. Maybe life will get better? These seem to be impossible times. The kind of stuff Misfits live for.
Here is a photo of me. Enjoy!

Self Portrait. Ctopher Thomas. Age: 46.