Where is the honor, respect, and kindness in this world?
This world has some problems. A lot of people have been de-valued, to the point most people can not get much respect these days.
Respect is defined as admiring someone for their abilities, qualities, or achievements. It seems, achievements without qualities isn’t worth much, if anything. So there has to be a careful balance of all the variables. Really someone with abilities that are beyond normal, with qualities that are above average, and achievements that stand out; that is someone to respect in this world.
Seems some of the variables have been tainted. Because most everyone sets out with the expectation of making a certain amount of money in their lifetimes. The standards that have been set says that everyone should try to make a million dollars to live off when they retire. And people set that goal, then act completely ruthless to reach their goals.
It seems like this standard has been carefully crafted, to make society perform in specific ways. And it is working very well. The problem is, most people don’t care about what is really best anymore; they allow their greed, or envy to dictate how they should behave.
Really, we have to get back to doing what is best for everyone. As long as people are stabbing each other in the back, society will continue to be a ruthless place to exist. Really these conditions don’t make a civilized culture.
One of the problems in my opinion is that of supply and demand. The supply of humans is very high, while the demand is very low. We need a way to work the variables out so that we don’t harm the supply of important ingredients, while reducing the supply of humans to a modest level.
Seems people don’t respect effort, skill, or talent these days. It might be because the supply is great, and the demand is low. Therefor the value goes down by a significant amount. Much that once had value, has been de-valued. It seems, our lives are nearly worthless trash these days. And that should never be the case. Not ever.
Most people are just existing, the majority of people are not really living. And they are content with just existing, like warm sacks of shit. Maybe that is important to them? Seems there has to be something that can be done to bring value and meaning back into our lives; to make life better for everyone!
Without value, and purpose; people will continue to just exist like warm sacks of shit. We want better than that. We want a lot better than that. So let’s work towards finding out what puts value, purpose, and meaning back into our lives. Really, we should be respecting people based off their abilities, qualities, and achievements. It seems the standards that have been set, much that once had value is no longer a commodity.
So what really has value in today’s world? Answer that, then work towards making life better for everyone so they can achieve those things.
Life has to have meaning, and purpose. We have to as a society value the lives of our fellow beings enough that we don’t show them dis-respect, and honor those who deserve to be honored.
We need to get back to having some values in life. Because society has lost its way in this maze of hundred dollar bills.
Photo Credit: Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash
Written by: Ctopher Thomas, A Real Misfit
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