About one of the most cruel things that a person can experience is prolonged isolation. It hurts not only society, but also the individuals that it effects.
In today’s world, just talking about loneliness is enough to make people that have friends flee from you. They figure if you are alone, and don’t have anyone, then there must be a reason you are alone and isolated.
The best thing you can do is develop your social skills in the privacy of your own home, work on speaking and being wonderful. Then when you have developed some character and charisma go out and wow them.
If you are very isolated and alone, chances are things aren’t going to get better. People love it when you smile, but there is nothing like being genuine. People are drawn to happy people, because it makes them feel good and they all want to feel better.
The last thing they want is be the butt end of someone that makes them feel depressed, sad, or less then perfect. So if you can work towards making people feel good, that makes them feel better, and by making them feel better, they like you; wham!
So Do What’s Best For Everyone!
So work towards making people feel good emotionally, mentally, and physically. Everyone wants money, but the people that work towards the good of their fellow people is better liked than the scrooge.
Isolation isn’t good, and when you feel like you have major set backs and failures; and you isolate between failures, it sets up a reoccurring pattern of failure followed by isolation with more isolation after then next failure.
It’s vital to break the pattern. It’s vital to break the cycle of failure, isolation, failure. Gambling isn’t a solution. Because you’re guaranteed to loose more money than you make. That sets a pattern of failure too, but with a different feeling.
Combined, those things make bad shit. You have to unfuck yourself, and right quick. Because they aren’t going to make it right for you, the only one that can do that for yourself is you.
Forget about success or failure. Live free, the more free the better. If you can raise your standard of living, then that’s better. But don’t count success as your standard for living. Because that would be shallow and superficial. The best thing is to be smart enough to understand yourself. Then do what’s best for everyone.
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