Category: Hooks

  • The Last Day

    This story was written about a year ago. Posting here, for your thoughts, and ideas. The Last Day From a deep sleep I wake up in my bed. It is six thirty in the morning. I look at my wife, and think, “Shit, I don’t believe this is my last day to live.” It’s just…

  • A Brief Guide On How To Write

    The Basics In A Nutshell In simple terms, writing is thinking for your audience. They are going to have to think every word you write. Therefore, your authors voice has to be easy and gentile enough that the reader can understand it. People in general, they don’t like to have to think too much. So…

  • Do Something Great

    Lord knows, I’m trying. Seems it takes gigantic effort in life to really do something great. You have to work your butt off. Even then, you may feel like, no one will notice. How can anyone do something great? I would like to explore the idea. Some say, “Some day, I’m going to change the…

  • Magic Playlist: Set XYZZY

    Set XYZZY the magic playlist Here is a playlist I’ve used for some time. When times are tough, you need to have the right music. This file is in pdf format so you can download it, buy the music, and listen to it on your own. This playlist is long; however, you will find it…

  • New Site: The Long Road

    My book has been finished for almost a year, it is here waiting for you to read it. You can check the website out, read a sample chapter, and buy the book. It is perfect if you have an Apple iPad to read digital books on. The book is called: The Long Road. It was…

  • What Is A Real Man Today?

    What Is A Real Man After a long time of consideration I have compiled a list of things that I feel make a real man. There are songs about this, however no one really has answered the question in a satisfactory way that makes people say, “Yeah that is what a real man should be.”…

  • Two Sides To Choose From

    The Cats Side Of The Story We want left alone. There will be no talking about anything. We have enough food for tonight, and we just want to watch the TV. I’m not going to worry about anything like the future, what would that accomplish; nothing! We are perfectly happy wasting out lives, and besides…

  • Boredom: The Plague

    Boredom: A brief on it’s dangers There is a problem with today’s modern society. While there are many problems with today’s society, specifically one that is dangerous is boredom. Boredom is defined as an emotional and sometimes psychological state. Many of the problems in life, may stem from boredom. It has been linked to alcoholism,…

  • My Digital Chaos – Quick Guide

    Quick Guide One of my goals is to make life better for everyone. After thinking for a long time about what I could personally do to make life better, this list was compiled. Each week we will release a new tip. So stay tuned and follow the story to help make your life better, and…

  • Bored!!

    After having given it a lot of thought. It’s my conclusion that humans don’t deserve free will. After all they have had free will all this time, and look how they have abused it. I see the atrocities they have committed, and feel they really don’t deserve to choose anything for themselves. Had this whole…